Community Health Service Case Study

Funding Application

Funding Plan

This Victorian community health provider has been operating from a building that is over 65 years old and has been without capital improvement since it was re-purposed as a community health service 22 years ago. It offers health, aged and disability, medical, dental, social wellbeing programs and counselling services to its local community.

Arkhart assisted the service prepare a successful funding application under the Victorian Metropolitan Health Infrastructure Fund 20/21 program to secure funds to redevelop part of the site to enhance access for clients, upgrade service consultation spaces including flexible group and therapy spaces, compliant emergency building exits and wayfinding.

The proposal addressed two key issues with the current building relating to access and safety. Specifically, the only rooms where group exercise and health programs could take place were at the furthest point from the entrance to the building. The building had multiple exits and entrances making it impossible to provide safe access to service options after hours, as it could not be annexed. This lack of capacity resulted in client and staff safety issues that were unresolvable within the existing configuration.

The proposed renovation improved access to services by providing a functional space that could be accessed after hours and incorporating into the plans the capacity to isolate this section of the building. This not only allowed extend hours and scope of services on offer but by including community partners, it provided access to a broad range of community members who can now use the space.